DCOM security


Andrew Jarvis

I am having problems creating a DCOM component under Windows XP SP2.

I am creating the component locally to eliminate any remote access issues.

When I set the identity to "The interactive user" I can create the component
okay so I know that its registered okay and all its dependencies are

When I set the identity to the logged on user but specified explicitly under
"This user" I get VB error "ActiveX component can't create object".

What is the difference between "interactive user" and specifying the same
user under "This user"?

I have tried adding "Everyone" with full control under each security section
to no avail.

I have checked for any DCOM restrictions in "Local Security Settings\Local
Policies\Security Options" but none are set.

Where else should I look?

O my own computer there are only six policies in "Local Security
Settings\Local Policies\Security Options" - four "Accounts", a "Network
access" and a "Network security". On the problem computer there are

What has added these additional policies?

Andrew Jarvis

PS. This is part of a distributed application that worked adequately until
we installed SP2.

Andrew Jarvis

I have since discovered that if I double click the server in Explorer then
it launches okay.

If I right click and do Run As UserX then a dependency cannot be located.

Am I right in thinking that the environment is not being supplied to the
application in this instance?

What would cause this?

Andrew Jarvis

Finally figured it out.

In the environment path variable, the drive letter for the path of the
dependent DLL was assigned by "cmd /c subst ..." in the Startup folder!
Therefore it did not exist in the new user context.

Apologies for wasting your time.


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