DB repair & compact


Steve Cost

I have performed the subject operation on my Access 2K db, and now the web
application cannot access the database, giving a permissions-type of error
message. Any suggestions? Do you all compact the db on a regular basis?
TIA, Steve

Steve Cost

Sending post for second time ...
Kevin --
error msg =

"Error opening rs rec set
Error Number: 3709, Error Description: The connection cannot be used to
perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this context.No
records found!"

Earlier error message under different conditions claimed I did not have
right to (open?) database.


haven't seen that before...was hoping for something more familiar.

What technology is the web app in? can you post the connection info? Did
the compact and repair change the datbase name from whatever.mdb to db1.mdb
or something like that?

Kevin Hill
3NF Consulting

www.DallasDBAs.com/forum - new DB forum for Dallas/Ft. Worth area DBAs.

Steve Cost

..ASP pages, testing via the IIS support on my home XP Pro machine, both
database and web app. The compact process was run with input and output
database names the same; reduced the size of the db from over 11 mB less
than 3 megabytes -- does that sound right? Little over 3,000 records.
This is my first time trying seriously to do this, as the web app is
incredibly slow, must do something or kill the site.
Any help much appreciated,


Sounds reasonable for a percentage compact....

I'm not much of a web guy...learning ASP classic for free by maintaining
what someone else wrote. I don't know what else to tell you other than to
verify your connection strings....

Kevin Hill
3NF Consulting

www.DallasDBAs.com/forum - new DB forum for Dallas/Ft. Worth area DBAs.

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