Days360 error between July & August 2008


Roy M. Lee

I am getting an error when using "Days360" to calculate days worked
(including weekends) in Excel 2003 on XP and also in Excel 2007 on Vista
between the months of July and August 2008.

The formula in the cell: "=IF(F14="","",DAYS360(F12,F14+1)*100)" (The "+1"
is to calculate each day worked and the "times 100" is a dollar amount for
each day).

If I enter July 23 2008 as the beginning and July 30 as the ending I get
800. If I enter July 23 2008 as the beginning and July 31 as the ending I
STILL get 800. (Or any date after July 31 for that matter.)

If I remove the "+1" from the formula, entering July 31 and August 1 show
the same value.

Is this a known bug? Is there a fix for it yet?



I get the correct results.

Are you sure that you have 2 valid dates?
Are you sure the year (and months) are also correct?

Roy M. Lee

I'm beginning to wonder if it's Excel or this Dell Latitude D530 and (my) XPS
M1530. I use another program, made by the company I work for, that's written
in Visual Basics that is giving incorrect calculation data on these two
computers also, but not on some older Dell Latitudes that the company
supplied to other employees.

But to answer your question: yes, I'm sure the dates are valid and the year
and months are correct. I've used it for several months and it just happened
between these two days. And if I enter in any other date, it appears to be
calculating it correctly. It's happening in between the two months that have
31 days in them. (If that may have something to do with it.)


Barb Reinhardt

You may want to read the HELP on the DAYS360 function. Pay particular
attention to the section on METHOD.

Roy M. Lee

I see whats going on now, it's calculating between any two months as if there
are only 30 days in every month, including February which calculates it with
and extra day rather than shorting a day on months with 31 days.

I guess that's why it's called days"360" rather than days365.

Is there a work-around for this or another funtion that will give me the
correct days? What possible use could a funtion have if it won't calculate
the correct number of days between two dates?

Thanks Barb,

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