Days of the Week Query


John Lane

Is there an easy way to get all the dates for all the Mondays, Tuesdays, etc.
for a given year? Thanks.

John Lane

I must be incredibily stupid. What I really meant was how do I get which week
of the year a day is in for a given year?


I must be incredibily stupid. What I really meant was how do I get which week
of the year a day is in for a given year?
- Show quoted text -

Try this on the Field line in your query:
WkNumber: DatePart("ww",[YourDate])
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John W. Vinson

I must be incredibily stupid. What I really meant was how do I get which week
of the year a day is in for a given year?

DatePart("ww", [datefield])

Check the VBA help for Datepart; there are various ways of determining which
is the first week of the year (the week containing January 1 even if that's
Saturday at the end of the week, the week containing the first Tuesday, etc.)

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