


I'm using Excel 2003.

Is this possible?

If end user enters data in A1, can I add a date/time function that will
automatically be entered in cell B1, but not update when the date/time
changes or when the file is closed/opened? Using Today() or Now(), the
date/time in B1 updates when file is closed and then opened.



Enter this code in the module of the concerned sheet.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$A$1" Then
Range("B1") = Now()
End If
End Sub

Will change the date only when you change or enter value in A1



It is just not cell A1 and b1; the concept needs to apply between column a
and column b. How would you change the following code to apply between
column a and b? Sorry, I know very little about VBA.


Sorry, but I failed to mention the process correctly.

If end user enters data in any cell in column A beginning at cell a2, then I
would like the corresponding cell(same row) in column B to have a date/time
stamp that would not change when the date/time changes or when the file is
saved and reopened.

Example: if user enters data in cell A2, then B2 would automatically
display date/time stamp. If user enters data in cell A3, then B3 would have
a date/time stamp...and so on..and so on.


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