Date/time updating



I've always had a date/time component on my pages to show when they were
last updated.

It seems to me I've been using the date in the border method for quite some
time (years?) and I seem to recall the date shown on a page on the web was
the date that the particular page was updated. However, lately it
appears that every page has the exact same date and I know I didn't update
every page on that day.

If I put the component in a bottom border, will the date displayed be the
of the last border update or the date of the particular page that the
border is
currently displayed with?


Andrew Murray

Mike said:
I've always had a date/time component on my pages to show when they were
last updated.

It seems to me I've been using the date in the border method for quite some
time (years?) and I seem to recall the date shown on a page on the web was
the date that the particular page was updated. However, lately it
appears that every page has the exact same date and I know I didn't update
every page on that day.

If I put the component in a bottom border, will the date displayed be the
of the last border update or the date of the particular page that the
border is
currently displayed with?


If you have the 'Last Updated' date in shared borders, that means it will show
up on every page. Putting the component in the shared border should I would
think reflect the date the main page is updated, not when the border page
(bottom.htm etc) was updated. If you want to reflect a specific page "last
update" then put it on that page, not in the borders.

Jim Buyens

Based on a quick test, a Date And Time component located
in a Shared border seems to display the date the shared
border was updated, and not the date the main page was

For ordinary HTML pages, the following script will display
the date of the main page, no matter where you put it.


For ASP and ASP.NET pages, though, the preceding script
will always show the current date. That's because the Web
server creates a new version of the page every time a
visitor requests it. So, for those kinds of pages, you
need to write some code that runs on the server, gets the
file system date, and displays it.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

Paul S. Wolf

up on every page. Putting the component in the shared border should I would
think reflect the date the main page is updated, not when the border page
(bottom.htm etc) was updated. If you want to reflect a specific page "last
update" then put it on that page, not in the borders.
Rather than putting it into a bottom shared border, put it into an
"include page" that is inserted at the bottom of each page. Then it
will be updated when the main page is updated. See the following page
in the following section of the web I maintain, as an example:

The code front page inserted on that page is:

<!--webbot bot="Include" u-include="../include/fp-footer.htm" tag="BODY"
startspan -->

The "..include/fp-footer.htm" page which gets included has the following
code (in part):

<p align="center">Page updated on:
<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" s-type="REGENERATED" s-format="%B %d, %Y" --></p>

When the page was last saved (7/18/03), Front Page converted all of that to:

<p align="center">Page updated on: July 18, 2003</p>

Just for clarity, as it happen, I do NOT use FP extensions to maintain
that web. I use FTP, and I don't publish the /include/ directory. But
that's no big deal. Even if it were published, it would be an unlinked page.

Yours in Scouting,
Paul S. Wolf, P.E. mailto:p[email protected]
Advancement/Awards/Safety Webmaster
U.S. Scouting Service Project, Inc.
©2003 All Rights Reserved

Thomas A. Rowe

The FP Include Page is the same as a shared border with the exception that a
shared border can be applied globally and it limited to placement in one of
4 areas of a page.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Ivor Jones

Mike said:
I've always had a date/time component on my pages to show when they were
last updated.

It seems to me I've been using the date in the border method for quite some
time (years?) and I seem to recall the date shown on a page on the web was
the date that the particular page was updated. However, lately it
appears that every page has the exact same date and I know I didn't update
every page on that day.

If I put the component in a bottom border, will the date displayed be the
of the last border update or the date of the particular page that the
border is
currently displayed with?

As an aside to this question, can anyone tell me if in FP2000 it's
possible to have the year displayed and updated every year without having
to go into every page and change it manually..?

I have a copyright message at the bottom of each page on my site, along
with the date it was last updated, in the form:

© Ivor D Jones 2002 - 2004
Page last updated 08 Jan 2004, 1730

The date of the page update changes ok but how can I get the second of the
two year figures to change every year..? I know it's only once a year but
it's a pain when you have more than a handful of pages..!


Thomas A. Rowe

I use ASP to accomplish this on all of my projects, but you may be able to
do this with JavaScript.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Ivor Jones

wp said:
Try a "search and replace" using the entire string.

The simple ones are always the best :) I haven't tried it yet but I
can't see why it shouldn't work, thanks..!


David Baxter

It does work - I do that every January...

Ivor Jones said:
The simple ones are always the best :) I haven't tried it yet but I
can't see why it shouldn't work, thanks..!


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