Date Time - Change Time to Text



I require to write a Macro for Excel that will change a Time to Text.
Such as: '26-Apr -06 08:00' to read '26-Apr-06 Pd 1' instead of Time
(08:00 is period 1 of day)
or '26-Apr -06 08:45' to read '26-Apr -06 Pd 2' instead of Time.
(08:00 is period 2 of day)

I have 10 periods in the day. Is it possible to do this and for a
complete page of scheduled date/Times. It is really a 'Format Column'
type Macro that I require.

Many thanks if any help is possible.

Dave Peterson

I think you're going to have to restate your problem.

Sometimes you have a space after the month--sometimes not.

And 8:00 is period 1 and period 2.

In fact, I think you'll have to give the rules concerning all the time periods.

And is there a reason you can't use a helper cell and a worksheet formula?

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