Date stamping



Hello all

I have a very simple database. One table and one form. The form has a text
box, so that numbers can be entered. A button is on the form which, when
clicked, will export all of the information entered into an Excel sheet and
open it.

The problem is knowing when the numbers were entered. The next time the
information is exported, there's no way of knowing what numbers were added
since the last export. Rather than deleting the file (so that a fresh file
is made with subsequent numbers) or performing some manual work, is there a
way of date stamping every number entered, so that when the information is
exported to Excel, there is the column full of numbers, plus the date
entered in the column next to it?

Many thanks


Rick B

Just add a date field to your table/form. In the form, set it's default to
"date()". I would probably lock it or make it hidden so my users could not
modify it.

Rick B


Thanks Rick! Just the job.

Merry Xmas


"Rick B" <Anonymous> wrote in message
Just add a date field to your table/form. In the form, set it's default to
"date()". I would probably lock it or make it hidden so my users could not
modify it.

Rick B

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