Date stamp in worksheets

  • Thread starter Thread starter Luc Poppe
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Luc Poppe

I would like to place a date stamp in a (any) cell each time a worksheet is
editted (not just merely clicked, but add/change text in a cell or trigger a
re-calcualtion). I have multiple worksheets and I want to add this in each
worksheet. It can not be a global workbook datestamp, rather independant for
every sheet in that workbook.
It works, but it seems to add an unacceptable calculation time, making
navigating and editing very "sticky". The size of the file is about 3 Mb and
has 18 worksheets with minimal formula calculations. It takes about 3 seconds
before the cursor is active again. And this is on a 2.5 GH quad core machine
(Dell T7400)
When copy/paste the lines you listed below,it does not work as the
formatting seems to be important (sorry, I'm a novice in VBA stuff), I tried
to format like this:

Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
With Application.Calculation = xlManual
End With
Range("D1").Value = Now()
With Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
End With
End Sub

but didn't work, any hints?
BTW, due to width limits of this interface, the first line should read as 1
complete line.

Can I e-mail you directly to show some snapshots of the error code and
compile issues ? I can't paste snapshots or attach files in this interface.
