Date Range Query help



I have a subfrm linked to a main form using an employee code. I
designed the report to reflect these details. I have a print preview
button on the main form which previews what I need to print. I have a
perimeter query linked to the sub report which prompts the user to
enter a date range. The problem is that 1. the date range is
requested twice
2. It
displays all the information between the date range and not just for
that employee that I need it for.

Can anbody give me some advice. I have been trying for a week now.

I think I am probably going about it the wrong way

Many regards

Tom Ellison

Dear Man:

I recommend you post here the SQL text of your query. I might be able to
fix it up.

Tom Ellison


Thanx for the reply, Under date i have the following criteria, this
query is then used as the record source for the subreport

Between [Enter Start Date] And [Enter Finish Date]

Tom Ellison

Dear Man:

If you would please open the query in SQL View, there's much more there that
describes the entire query. That's what I'd like to see in order to help
you. In addition, I can make recommended changes to that, which you can
subsequently paste back into the SQL View and give it a try.


Tom Ellison
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Sorry for that, still a beginner,

SELECT Killarney.Surname, Killarney.Name, Killarney.Status, Killarney.[Dept Water/Sewer], Killarney.Designation, Killarney.Location, Killarney.[Cost Centre No], Killarney.[GL Acc No], subfrm.originator, subfrm.[start time], subfrm.[finish time], subfrm.[Total Time], subfrm.details, subfrm.street, subfrm.suburb, subfrm.Date, subfrm.Sunday, subfrm.[Public Holiday], subfrm.[1,5], subfrm.[txtTotal Time], subfrm.[1,5hrs], subfrm.Holiday, subfrm.[Sunday Time], subfrm.[staff No], subfrm.[staff No], Killarney.[Staff No]
FROM subfrm INNER JOIN Killarney ON subfrm.[staff No] = Killarney.[Staff No]
WHERE (((subfrm.Date) Between [Enter Start Date] And [Enter Finish Date]));

I Appreciate your assistance so far

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