Date range in months from month and year fields



In our database we track consultants work dates in four seperate fields,
starting month, starting year, ending month, ending year.
Is there anyway to calculate the range of months they have worked with this
set up?

So if someone started March 2004 and ended July 2007 is there a formula to
calculate the 40 months they worked?


DateDiff("m",[starting month] & "/" & "01" & "/" & [starting year],[ending
month] & "/" & "01" & "/" & [ending year])


Replace the "01" with a day field if you have it.. or you can merge it to

Lance said:
DateDiff("m",[starting month] & "/" & "01" & "/" & [starting year],[ending
month] & "/" & "01" & "/" & [ending year])

monkeycr84 said:
In our database we track consultants work dates in four seperate fields,
starting month, starting year, ending month, ending year.
Is there anyway to calculate the range of months they have worked with this
set up?

So if someone started March 2004 and ended July 2007 is there a formula to
calculate the 40 months they worked?

Douglas J. Steele

If you're actually storing the text for the month (as opposed to a month
number), try:

DateDiff("m", CDate("1 " & StartMonth & " " & StartYear), CDate("1 " &
EndMonth & " " & EndYear))

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