Date Query Help Please


Peter W S

Hello and thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.

I am writing a query using Access 2000 where I need to query between two
dates which are input by the user. The basics of the query is

* User Input * Enter Registration Number
* User Input * Enter Date To Query From
* User Input * Enter Date To Query To
* Query Output * Results

So when the query is run is will ask for the Registration number, then the

I can remember doing this with Access 97, but for some reasons I think the
syntax has changed from Access 2000 inwards.

As I am the only person in the office who understands SQL there is no point
in writing in that language and I have to make it simple for everyone else.

Again, many thanks in advance for help


Van T. Dinh

FROM [YourTable]
WHERE ([RegIDField] = [Enter Registration Number:])
AND ([DateField] BETWEEN [Enter Start Date:] AND
[Enter End Date:])

When the Query is run, Access will ask for Reg No. then Start Date then End

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