date manipulation



hello; i have a form that have date txtbox format mm/yy.
i want to check in the table what the last date that some customer paid and
to add one monte . for example if the date in the table 11/08 the date in the
form will be 12/08

Tom van Stiphout

Date math is done with the DateAdd function. Look it up in the help
Select MyDateColumn, DateAdd("m", 1, MyDateColumn) as NextMonth
from MyTable

Microsoft Access MVP

Ken Sheridan

i need that the function add it to the last month

If the PaymenDate column is a true date/time data type then use:

=Format(DateAdd("m",1,DMax("PaymentDate", "Payments", "CustomerID = "
& [CustomerID])),"mm/yy")

If the last payment is stored in a text field in the table in a format
mm/yy then use the following as the ControlSource of a text box on
your form:

(PaymentDate,2),1)","Payments","CustomerID = " & [CustomerID])),"mm/

where Payments is the table name, PaymentDate is the name of the text
column containing the payment dates in mm/yy format, and CustomerID is
a foreign key column of number data type identifying the customer.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

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