Date In Query



I have a query that shows me all my suppliers, 1 of the fields shows the due
date of the item. i would like to run the query showing me all over due
orders, which are more than 2 weeks older than todays date, i don't want he
user to enter todays date but access to take todays date - 14 days and show
everyitem that is older.

ie todays date 25/03/2006 - 14days = show all orders older than 11/03/2006
Hope this makes sense

Tom Ellison

Dear Sean:

Assuming the table Orders contains only unfilled orders, perhaps this might
be close:

SELECT OrderNumber, Supplier, OrderDate
FROM Orders
WHERE OrderDate <= Date() - 14

I have made a huge number of assumptions about table and column names and
which orders are yet unfilled.

If you give more details, I would need to make few if any assumptions. So,
good luck with this.

Tom Ellison

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