date format conversion



can someone explain how to convert data cells from 6/15/04 to 06/15/2004?
i have set up an input mask 00/00/0000 but it only applies to new data. is
there a way to convert the existing data to that format?


In the format property of the field select short date or write the format
in the format property

Joseph Meehan

linz said:
can someone explain how to convert data cells from 6/15/04 to
06/15/2004? i have set up an input mask 00/00/0000 but it only
applies to new data. is there a way to convert the existing data to
that format?

As noted it should be mm/dd/yyyy

Note: this will only change the way it looks where you set the format.
It does not in any way change the actual data that looks nothing like what
you would expect.


Not sure I understand what you mean ...
A Date/Time value is stored as a numeric double ...
The date and time 08/18/2005 9:20 PM would be stored internally as ..
So the way it is formated is directly related to how it will be displayed ...

R. Hicks

Joseph Meehan

Ricky said:
Not sure I understand what you mean ...
A Date/Time value is stored as a numeric double ...
The date and time 08/18/2005 9:20 PM would be stored internally as ..
So the way it is formated is directly related to how it will be
displayed ...

I guess my explanation was not all that clear. I was trying to say
exactly what you said. Most people would not expect 38582.8888888889 to be
the same as 08/18/2005 9:20 PM

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