date comparison help




I'm trying to use the less than operator to compare dates in a worksheet
against the date in a variable. The = sign works ok, but neither the >= or
<= does not. Here is the code, any help in using mainly the >= operator
would help greatly.

Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell)
If ActiveCell.Value >= startDates Then
startRange = ActiveCell.Address
Exit Sub
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If


Dave O

A tough one. Is startDates declared as a number, or date variable?
Are the dates in the column Excel-readable dates (a number representing
the elapsed days since 1/1/1900, then formatted as a date)? If the
cells are text instead of numbers and startDates is a string variable,
that would explain why the = sign works but not the >= or <=.


Dave O said:
A tough one. Is startDates declared as a number, or date variable?
Are the dates in the column Excel-readable dates (a number representing
the elapsed days since 1/1/1900, then formatted as a date)? If the
cells are text instead of numbers and startDates is a string variable,
that would explain why the = sign works but not the >= or <=.
Hi Dave,
startDates declared as a date
Dim startDates As Date
and the column is formatted as a date, if I enter 1/1/01 it formats it to



Dave O said:
A tough one. Is startDates declared as a number, or date variable?
Are the dates in the column Excel-readable dates (a number representing
the elapsed days since 1/1/1900, then formatted as a date)? If the
cells are text instead of numbers and startDates is a string variable,
that would explain why the = sign works but not the >= or <=.
I've sorted it out, what you wrote had me thinking, so I made one change in
my code and I think it works. When I made the worksheet active, I put the
cursor at the top of the column, but the first row had column headings, so I
now made the second row active, instead of the first and it worked. I
thought the program would just see the heading as a string and then go down
to the next row.

But thanks much for jogging my thinking cap.


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