Date Calculation



I have a text box (of type Date) in a form that is used for updating table
By using the Control Source, I Calculate a new day for this text box (the
new value is O.K)
NewDay: OldDay - Me![v1] - Me![v2]
v1, v2 are text box in the same form of type Integer.
When I update the table, NewDay is not appears in the table (tblOrder).
How the table can be updated including NewDay?
You help is appreciated.


Hi Joseph,

If you want the table value for NewDay to be updated, the control source for
your control must be NewDay (assuming it is a field that is available in your

You would then need to update the value by some other method, eg: put the
code to calculate a new date behind a command button or some other event.

Hope this helps.


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