Date Add



Hey all,

Im trying to do somthing that I am guessing is quite simple.

Im working on a Db that tracks a fleet of rental skiis. Every 2 years these
skis must be tested.
I have a table that tracks all the information about a given pair of skis,
including the date they were last tested. What I am trying to do is have a
feild within that table autocomplete using the [test date] feild, plus 2
years. This new feild would then become the date when the next test was

The Table is called [Ski Info]
The first date feild is [Test date]
the feild I would like to have calculated is [Next test]

Any ideas?


In the AfterUpdate() event of your [Test Date] field:

Me![Next Test] = DateAdd("yyyy", 2, Me![Test Date])

You should make sure the user entered a valid date first.

If I may make a suggestion, you should try to avoid having spaces in field
or control names.


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