DataView.Sort loses ASC/DESC value


Kubuli John

I use a DataView object as the datasource for an ASP.NET DataGrid. I
am seting the DataView.Sort member with a column name and a direction,

dvEmp.Sort = "emp_name DESC";

This works fine, but when I post back to the page and look at the
dvEmp.Sort value, it only contains "emp_name", and appears to have
discarded the " DESC" specifier. Despite this, the dataview is
actually sorted correctly in descending order.

What gives?

John H.

William Ryan eMVP

I'd need to look at your code to be 100 % sure, but I bet it's losing it's
state (resetting itself) on the post back. Store the grid in session state
and bind to it so you can maintain it's state through post backs.

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