Dataset requery


Peter Van Wilrijk


In VB6 I used a method requery to repopulate a recordset. I don't find
an equivalent for the .NET dataset.

I don't update my datasets at all, but I use them to navigate through
subsets of my tables, saying my dataset contains primary keys, ordered
in a specific way. When I go the next, previous, first or last record
in the dataset I execute a select stored procedure. When I do an
insert, delete or update I call a stored procedure, implying I should do
a requery of the dataset (subset) because a row might be deleted or
inserted in the database, while it's not reflected in the disconnected

Of course I can execute the query to create the dataset again, after
each insert/delete. I wondered there might be a method dataset.requery
or a workaround to achieve this easily??

Thanks a lot,
Kind regards,
Perre Van Wilrijk.


I would requery as normal, and merge the result into the original dataset.
If you use a date modified column in your data, you could query where last
modified is greater than the date that you last polled for changes.

Peter Van Wilrijk

Thanks AMDRIT,

Do you have a link to an example?

I deduct merging 2 datasets (with the same structure) is easily done ...
as using a "union" in SQL?

Can't I get a problem with this workaround if a row was physically
deleted, the row will stay in the dataset I guess ... but there I see
now I always have to check that since another user might have deleted
the row that I have in my susbset of primary keys.

However, I wondered whether the dataset stores the query it was
originally build on. This way I don't have to store that query (and
it's values in the where clause) myself. Actually that's what I meant
to ask, but I didn't make myself very clear. Sorry, no native English
and just switching from VB6 to VB.NET.

Kind regards,
Perre Van Wilrijk.

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