Dataset Merge


Moty Michaely


I have an issue I would like to solve.

I need a dataset synchronization mechanism method that needs to read data
from SQL server and within an interval of time, read the data again and Send
only the changes made to the dataset.

My thought was read one dataset that will be my cache and compare it to
another dataset that will be filled within the interval.
The comparison can be made ( I guess) by Merge method, but it's not working.

GetChanges should return a dataset I guess with the changes but how can I
use it with 2 datasets and not by updateing the dataset directly.

Is it possible?

- Moty -

Shardool Karnik

I'm confused ... did u say that you have tried merging the two datasets and
then calling getchanges() and it returns nothing ?

Shardool Karnik

I think they will be based on the primary keys that you have defined in the
dataset ...

try this ... create a dataset with 1 table 1 row ... .create an identical
datarow ... and merge it ..... with a primary key defined ....

Moty Michaely


Yep.. I still don't get how doe's the dataset recognize same fields???

Any other ideas will be great.

- Moty -

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