Dataset Error:IndexOutofRangeException



Hi experts,

I have a dataadapter and datasets. I debugged it and gave me an error

LName = DS.Tables("AcctInfoTble").Rows(1)("LASTNAME")

error: There is no row at position 1.

WHAT DID I DO WRONG at the following code?

Public Function GenerateA(ByRef strEmpID As String, ByRef
strClientAcct As String, ByRef strAcctStatus As String, ByRef
strAddressFlag As String, ByRef strNameFlag As String)
Dim strResult As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim GPConnection As SqlConnection
Dim dr As SqlDataReader
Dim GPDataset As New DataSet
GPConnection = New SqlConnection("workstation id=ADMIN;packet
size=4096;user id=MaintenanceHD;data source=AMKSQL2;p" & _
"ersist security info=True;initial catalog=HFC;password=maintainme")
Dim selectCMD As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT DDACTNUM,
strEmpID + "'", GPConnection)
Dim GPDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter
GPDataAdapter.SelectCommand = selectCMD

Dim EfundAcct As String
Dim LName As String
Dim FName As String
Dim MName As String
Dim DOB As String
Dim Loc As String

Dim DS As DataSet = New DataSet
GPDataAdapter.Fill(DS, "AcctInfoTble")
EfundAcct = DS.Tables("AcctInfoTble").Rows(0)("DDACTNUM")
LName = DS.Tables("AcctInfoTble").Rows(1)("LASTNAME")
FName = DS.Tables("AcctInfoTble").Rows(2)("LASTNAME")
.......more codes

Posted at:


Still working on the "expert" part, but I think the answer here is within my
grasp ...

You are assigning your lastname from row 1, your firstname from row 2, etc.
I doubt that's what you mean to do, but just as importantly, you may not
even have a row 0, 1, 2, etc.

You appear to be pulling back one row to your dataset, so you'll just want
to assign all those values from row(0). To ensure that you actually returned
a row at all, you'll want to make a check for recordcount before trying to
assign the values.

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