datagrid to generate additional querystring collection item to pull off on the target page for input



I am trying to figure out how to add an additional value to a querystring
collection so that when I click on a datagrid cell, there will be a key to
distinguish it from another column's functionality. I have Edit and Delete
columns that each contain the ColumnID for the record I want to either edit,
or delete. When I pull the item of the collection on the target page's
page_load event, I will be able to either invoke a delete or an edit method
based on the info passed into the page.

The databinding code on the source page containing the grid is;
hl.Text = "Edit"
hl.DataNavigateUrlFormatString =
hl.DataNavigateUrlField = "intUniqueClientNum"

hDelete.Text = "Delete"
hDelete.DataNavigateUrlFormatString =
hDelete.DataNavigateUrlField = "intUniqueClientNum"

The code on the target page Page Load event is;
Dim coll As System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection

if coll.Count > 0 and Not Ispostback then 'Is a value passed in from
datagrid and not a post back?
str_LLCLientID = coll.Get(coll.Keys(0).ToString).ToString
b_EditPage = True

I would like to be able to pull off of the collection an additional value
that is generated from the grid which will allow me to distinguish between
Edit and Delete functionality. I would like not to have to use a Session

Thank you,
-Hazz (or does not hazz) the software solution


Oh so simple it even hurts Bill. But it feels so good to have a solution

And on the receiving end, there is;
str_querytype = coll.Get(coll.Keys(0).ToString).ToString

str_LLClientID = coll.Get(coll.Keys(1).ToString).ToString

Thank you !!!!!!

Greg Hazzard

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