Datagrid - keep selected row after user re-sorts




I have a dataset with a datatable called "Books".

Books contains ISBN, TITLE, and AUTHOR

In my datagrid, I only show TITLE and AUTHOR

I also have a dataview set up with it:

cm = CType(Me, Control).BindingContext(grdBooks.DataSource, _
m_dvwBookView = CType(cm.List, DataView)

I want to be able to keep the row selected, even after the user
re-sorts the datagrid by clicking on a column heading. I can store
the selected ISBN number when the user selects a new row, but I can't
figure out how to find the row with that ISBN #, after the user has
sorted by say TITLE. I can get the event when a user sorts by title
or author with the DataViews ListChanged event:

Private Sub m_dvwBookView_ListChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs) _
Handles m_dvwBookView.ListChanged

If (e.ListChangedType = ComponentModel.ListChangedType.Reset) Then
End If
End Sub

I can't figure out how to get the new row index of the previously
selected row. Any ideas?


Eric Cadwell

I prefer to use DataTable.Rows.Find. (You can get the Table via the
DataView.Table property)

Or you can loop the rows and check the value.

Use DataGrid.Select(int row) when you get the index of the row.

Eric Cadwell

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