DataGrid Itemcreated Problem!


Lars Netzel

How come that if you have a simple page with a data grid and a button.

When you load the first time (coming to the page first time) events happens
in this order:

1. Page_Load() (including a call to bind the grid)
2. Grid_itemCreated()

But if you press the Button (that ttriggers a postback) they happen in this
1. Grid_ItemCreated()
2. Page_Load
3. Grid_ItemCreated()
4. Button_Click()

WHY WHY WHY... does the Item_Created happen before Page Load on a
postback... What triggers that????

Best Regards/
Lars Netzel

Matt Berther

Hello Lars,

Just a guess here...

Controls are repopulated from ViewState somewhere between OnInit and OnLoad.
So, your grid is getting recreated twice.

You could try wrapping the call in OnLoad with if (!Page.IsPostBack).

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