DataGrid in WinForm




How to make datagridview first row as a add new record row. result
only show in others row except first row.

any source to share?

Thanks in advance for any comment and tip.

With regards,

Kevin Yu [MSFT]

Hi Goh,

Based on my understanding, you need to put the add new record row in the
first line of the DataGridView.

In my opinion, modifying the DataGridView to this behavior will be very
very complex, because putting the add new record row at the bottom is the
DataGridView's by-design behavior. Changing this will change the whole
design of it. Is there any particular reason that you need to do this?

Kevin Yu
Microsoft Online Community Support

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Hi Kevin Yu,

Thanks for answering my question.

The reason why I got this idea is because Microsoft Outlook
Address/Contact List are able to let users keying new record directly at the
top of datagrid. And I also saw a lot third party component that work like

I finding the way that made system work similar like Microsoft
Outlook. Since Microsoft Product got this kind of feature why not in the
development tools?

Thanks again for answering.

With regards,

Cor Ligthert [MVP]


They have not used the datagrid, they have done the same Kevin in fact said,
do a lot of work to create this. It is probably not impossible for you as
well with visual studio. But you have than to do the same amount of work as
they did.

In has a little bit the behaviour of the ListView but not complete because
there is much more modified.
(The listview is not a complex datacontrol so you have also for that to
write extra code)


Kevin Yu [MSFT]

Thank you, Cor, for clarifying this. :)


Actually the Office team develop their own DataGrid control. It is totally
different from the DataGridView we are using in .NET framework.

Kevin Yu
Microsoft Online Community Support

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that others may learn and benefit from your issue.

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