DataGrid Footer



How to find a control in the datagrid footer ?

In my code below, I am trying to hide a label named lbl1 on the basis of a selected vlaue(value="test") of the dropdownlist ,both the dropdownlist and the label are in the footer of the datagrid.

An advice on where I am going wrong,would be highly appreciated

For Each datagriditem In dg1.Items
Dim str as string="test" 'this gives the value of selected item from the dropdown list in the footer
If datagriditem.ItemType = ListItemType.Footer Then
Dim lbl As New Label
lbl = CType(datagriditem.FindControl("lbl1"), Label)
If str = "test" Then
lbl.Visible = False
End If
End If


Scott Allen

Hi Shiju:

See my article here:

The code is in C#, but you should be able to find a technique to use
from the description and code, which includes finding controls in a
grid footer and header. The trick is this: the Items collection only
contains data bound items, for the header and footer you need to look
in the Controls collection.


John Saunders

Shiju Poyilil said:
How to find a control in the datagrid footer ?

In my code below, I am trying to hide a label named lbl1 on the basis of a
selected vlaue(value="test") of the dropdownlist ,both the dropdownlist and
the label are in the footer of the datagrid.
An advice on where I am going wrong,would be highly appreciated

For Each datagriditem In dg1.Items
Dim str as string="test" 'this gives the value of selected
item from the dropdown list in the footer
If datagriditem.ItemType = ListItemType.Footer Then
Dim lbl As New Label
lbl = CType(datagriditem.FindControl("lbl1"), Label)
If str = "test" Then
lbl.Visible = False
End If
End If

For one thing, you do not want to use "New Label". That creates a new label.
Just say "Dim lbl As Label".

Also, you don't say what problem you have with the above code.


thanks Scott, it helped me .

Scott Allen said:
Hi Shiju:

See my article here:

The code is in C#, but you should be able to find a technique to use
from the description and code, which includes finding controls in a
grid footer and header. The trick is this: the Items collection only
contains data bound items, for the header and footer you need to look
in the Controls collection.


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