Datagrid: Edit all rows?




How can I edit all rows of a datagrid at the same time?

I have a datagrid that has some bound columns and some template columns with
a asp:textbox inside. (Textbox for values that can change..)

From the event handler of a link button at the bottom of the page, how can I
loop through all the rows of the data grid and read, the possibility changed,
values of the controls in each row?



Eliyahu Goldin


You know the grid's id, say myGrid. Loop through myGrid.Items collection,
filter out non-data items such as header, footer, pager. For every data item
you can property Cells is the collection if the row's cells (columns). If it
is a template column, you know your template structure and can use
FindContriol methods to find controls within the column.


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