DataGrid detect row changes


Doug Bell

I have a DataGrid that has a DataView as its DataSource.

I need to detect when a New Row is added or when a Row is Deleted so that I
change data in the underlying DataTable.

I found that MyDataGrid_CurrentCellChanged doesn't fire on a deletion or on
a New Row if there was no previous rows.

Can someone advised the simplest way to detect row additions or deletions?


Cor Ligthert [MVP]


As you are working witht he datagrid, try than to forget change information
from that, try to use the underlying datasource. A change in the datagrid is
not as something is typed (or you should use the textbox for that), however
if there is a rowchange.

It is just more simple to work with the datasource than the cells from the


Doug Bell

OK but how do I get a change in the underlying DataTable to trigger an Event
that I can use check and set the (complex) "ID" Column in the DataTable for
the New Row.


Try listening to the underly DataView.ListChanged event. (If the
DataSource is a DataTable, this would probably be
DataTable.DefaultView). There you can check for:

if(e.ListChangedType == ListChangedType.ItemAdded)

Maybe this will picked out the adding of a new row.

Clay Burch
Syncfusion, Inc.


Oops. Sorry for the C# code.

If e.ListChangedType = ListChangedType.ItemAdded Then
End If
Clay Burch
Syncfusion, Inc.

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