datagrid : change the string formatting expression




i'm looking for code (C# preferably)
in order to change programmatically in a datagrid
the string formatting expression of one bound colum

thank you

Emil Christopher Melar

Franck said:

i'm looking for code (C# preferably)
in order to change programmatically in a datagrid
the string formatting expression of one bound colum

thank you


<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "MyDate", "{0:d}")%>

Will format the DateTime to display as short-date, ie or
other format based on the culture.

The third parameter is the format expression.

Go read MSDN.

Emil Christopher Melar

Franck said:

i'm looking for code (C# preferably)
in order to change programmatically in a datagrid
the string formatting expression of one bound colum

thank you

Sorry, Ignore my last post, I didn't read your post well enough.

Again, sorry.

Emil Christopher Melar

Franck said:

i'm looking for code (C# preferably)
in order to change programmatically in a datagrid
the string formatting expression of one bound colum

thank you

I do not have enough information.

The only solution that I can think of, is that you have to drop the
aspx-style binding to the column, and rather do this in ItemDataBound by
referencing the datasource from the e.Item.DataItem and reference a
control (literal or whatever) in the ItemTemplate instead.

Where do you want to change the format string, based on what criteria?

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