Datagrid binding to Itemplate Dropdown box

  • Thread starter Andrea Williams
  • Start date

Andrea Williams

I'm trying to bind to a Template Item that I created and fill the dropdown
with a value from the datagrid DataSet. However, if the value is "", then I
want to Insert a "[Select One]" option to the list. I'm trying to do this
as the binding takes place, but it's not working. The extra option is not
added. Any advice?

The goal: do in-line editing inside the datagrid without adding code to the
ASPX page. I want it all in the code behind. It's got to be possible, I
just haven't figured it out yet.... The labels and textboxes are working
fine, but the DropDownList box is giving me headaches.

PS: Here's the code in the custom class which inherits ITemplate.

public override void InstantiateIn(Control container)


// Bind a string to the event

DropDownList cboResult = new DropDownList();

if (this.ControlID != null)

cboResult.ID = this.ControlID;

cboResult.DataSource = this.mobjDataSource;

cboResult.DataTextField = this.mstrDataTextField;

cboResult.DataValueField = this.mstrDataValueField;

cboResult.DataBinding += new EventHandler(this.BindData);



protected void BindData(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


if (!Common.Global.isNothing(this.DataField))


DropDownList cboSender = (DropDownList) sender;

DataGridItem container = (DataGridItem) cboSender.NamingContainer;

string strDataFieldValue =

cboSender.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("[Select One]", "")); //This is
the line that isn't working

// BTW, if I leave this line out and the value of strDataFieldValue = "", I
get an error b/c the value "" doesn't exist in the DataSet.

cboSender.SelectedValue = strDataFieldValue;

cboSender = null;



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