Dataenvironment for .Net




I am trying to learn how to work in Visual Studio .Net 2005 and after
searching for a lot, I don't see any answer.

Actually, In VB6 I use the dataenvironment.
For my application, I have more than 1500 stored procedures / Functions
so I have put them all in a Dataenvironment so when I need something
from the database, I do DB.SPName and I immediately have a recordset.

It seem that in .Net, it is not possible anymore.
I have to create a command then add the parameters one by one...
(some procedures have 30 parameters)

I have also tried with the datasets, but there is nothing to initialize
the dataset immediately with a recordset (and parameters)

Can someone tell me how to do it or where I can find some informations
/or Tutorial to do it?

Thank you
Marc Allard


I miss that DataEnvironment from VB6.....

However, you can do one of 2 things that 'resemble' the DataEnvironment least for .net 2003 (I'm not familiar with 2005 yet):

i) From Sever Explorer - Connect to SQL Database and navigate to the Stored
Procs. Drag and drop them onto the forms that will be calling these stored
Procs. It will automatically create an SQL Connection object and an object
for each . You can then reference them on the form that is calling the
stored proc...

ii) Create a Master Form and store all Stored Procs there. Then make them
public and reference them from there. This is essentially the same as i)
execpt all stored procs are on one form with public access

Not quite the nice DataEnvironment but it offers you 'some similarity'


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