Database window scrollbar problem


David Andrews


I am using Access 2003 and have a database with a reasonably large
number of forms, reports etc. (well, large number compared to my usual

The largest of these lists is the forms collection which currently has
about 70 forms listed.

The problem I am having is that after working on a form, report or
table and returning to the form list in the main database window, the
scroll bar along the bottom of the main database window does not work.

The scrollbar does not respond to the mouse, except if you
double-click it, it opens the currently selected object.

The only way I have found to fix this, is to jump to another open
application and then back to Access, after which I can scroll around
the objects again.

Has anyone else found this and if so, any fix for it?

Best regards.

Ken Snell

I am betting that you're also using Windows XP with XP Themes turned on. The
XP themes have a number of such bugs that cause problems with mouse actions
and windows not "seeing" mouse clicks. Only fix of which I know right now is
to go back to Classic Themes for WinXP until MS comes out with a fix -- or
grin/grit your teeth and do the workarounds.

Albert D. Kallal

Hum, I have a application with 160 forms (it can still be zipped onto ONE
floppy as a mde). (less then 7 megs in size).

Anyway, I don't seem to be experiencing your problem.

Of cause, I always view the "list" of forms as "list"

The other choices are: Large, Small, Details

I must admit that I NEVER used anything but view->list for the forms, tables
etc tabs.

Try setting the view to list..and see if that helps...

Something does not seem 100% here, as I have not seen your problem/post in
the newsgroups yet....

David Andrews


Thanks for the quick response.

You are right in that I am using Windows XP but I am using the default
Windows XP theme with no modifications, as it appears straight after
the install.

It has jus occured to me that I am running SP2 RC2 and to be honest, I
can't remember if I had the problem before installing that, I used RC1
before that which was some time ago which I know was fairly buggy and
had some strange symptoms.


David Andrews

Hi Albert

Thanks for the fast reply.

Like you, I always view the objects using list view.

My DB is larger in filesize (about 30MB) but mainly because I am using
a scan of a paper-based form for the background to the reports.

Something I have mentioned in my reply to Ken (above, I think!) it has
just occured to me that I am running Windows XP SP2 RC2 which may or
may not be contributing to this. Won't know for sure unless I can use
an XP machine without SP2 or wait until it's final release in about a
months time.

It's almost like something is keeping the focus away from the main
database window. I use macros on some occasions to close and open
forms but there isn't anything else open in the background that I am
aware of when this happens.


Tony Toews

You are right in that I am using Windows XP but I am using the default
Windows XP theme with no modifications, as it appears straight after
the install.

Those are the themes that Ken means. I immediately turned them off
and have never had a problem.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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