Database Size out of control



I have one database that I have multiple pass through
queries to pull data in, that is not really the database
that I have the issue with although the size of that
database is still big considering what it contains.

I have another database that I email to a long
distribution list and I have compacted the database and
zipped it. But the actual database size is showing close
to 10mb which as you can imagine sending via email is
creating issues.

Now, let me explain. I have imported some powerpoint
presentations that contain pictures to be embedded in the
database. However, the size of these presentations are
extremely small, I manipulated the photo size so that the
size was not an issue or so I thought.

Any Help would be greatly appreciated.

If clarification is needed just let me know.

Thank you


Access is *terribly* inefficient at storing any sort of graphics. It stores not only the image but also a bitmap - much bigger!

I'd suggest using WinZIP to separately send the PowerPoint presentation along with the database, and not store the images in the database at all.

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