Database Object



I have been informed by our IT department that the Access 97 databases will
become obsolete (not usable/readable by future Access upgrades).

So, I am taking some database projects and porting to Access 2000.

When I open an older database with the newer Access program, it prompts me
to save it to another file in the new format (which puzzles me why the older
format will become obsolete, but that's a different problem). The programs
run just like they did with the older version when I do it this way.

However, when I start the newer Access program from scratch, and start a new
project from scratch, the same programs do not work.

The errors I am getting are like it does not recognize the object type
'database'. This does even appear in the pre-prepared list of available
object types that appears while typing.

The declaration code appears as:
Dim c As database

And is used in the code as:
Set rec1 = c.OpenRecordset("table1", dbOpenSnapshot, dbForwardOnly)

var = rec1![field]

I checked the 'Help -> About Access' menu between a working and non-working
Access 2000 project, and confirmed that they appear to be the same

A work around I have found is to convert an older project, strip it down to
an empty project, and use this as a template to start new projects.

Does anyone have an idea of why I am getting seemingly different available
data types depending on the method of origin of the project? The examples in
the help files all reference a database type of object but, starting from
scratch, it doesn't seem to part of the game.



Hello once again!

Perhaps this article might be helpful for you:

ADO and DAO Library References in Access Databases



I have been informed by our IT department that the Access 97 databases will
become obsolete (not usable/readable by future Access upgrades).

So, I am taking some database projects and porting to Access 2000.

When I open an older database with the newer Access program, it prompts me
to save it to another file in the new format (which puzzles me why the older
format will become obsolete, but that's a different problem). The programs
run just like they did with the older version when I do it this way.

However, when I start the newer Access program from scratch, and start a new
project from scratch, the same programs do not work.

The errors I am getting are like it does not recognize the object type
'database'. This does even appear in the pre-prepared list of available
object types that appears while typing.

The declaration code appears as:
Dim c As database

And is used in the code as:
Set rec1 = c.OpenRecordset("table1", dbOpenSnapshot, dbForwardOnly)

var = rec1![field]

I checked the 'Help -> About Access' menu between a working and non-working
Access 2000 project, and confirmed that they appear to be the same

A work around I have found is to convert an older project, strip it down to
an empty project, and use this as a template to start new projects.

Does anyone have an idea of why I am getting seemingly different available
data types depending on the method of origin of the project? The examples in
the help files all reference a database type of object but, starting from
scratch, it doesn't seem to part of the game.



That explains it. I'm bookmarking this one! You've been a real help for all
my questions.



You're welcome!


That explains it. I'm bookmarking this one! You've been a real help for
all my questions.



Hello once again!

Perhaps this article might be helpful for you:

ADO and DAO Library References in Access Databases



I have been informed by our IT department that the Access 97 databases will
become obsolete (not usable/readable by future Access upgrades).

So, I am taking some database projects and porting to Access 2000.

When I open an older database with the newer Access program, it prompts me
to save it to another file in the new format (which puzzles me why the older
format will become obsolete, but that's a different problem). The programs
run just like they did with the older version when I do it this way.

However, when I start the newer Access program from scratch, and start a new
project from scratch, the same programs do not work.

The errors I am getting are like it does not recognize the object type
'database'. This does even appear in the pre-prepared list of available
object types that appears while typing.

The declaration code appears as:
Dim c As database

And is used in the code as:
Set rec1 = c.OpenRecordset("table1", dbOpenSnapshot, dbForwardOnly)

var = rec1![field]

I checked the 'Help -> About Access' menu between a working and non-working
Access 2000 project, and confirmed that they appear to be the same

A work around I have found is to convert an older project, strip it down to
an empty project, and use this as a template to start new projects.

Does anyone have an idea of why I am getting seemingly different available
data types depending on the method of origin of the project? The examples in
the help files all reference a database type of object but, starting from
scratch, it doesn't seem to part of the game.


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