Database help


Randel Bjorkquist

I'm completely lost and need some help to understand how the Visual Studios
data components work, deals with database, datsets, datasources, etc... I'm
extremely new to Visual Studio and am having a hard time making the
conversion from Borland's C++ Builder to Visual Studio.

The application I'm writing is a little wizard to help some of the employees
combine text files, (concatenate them) and then insert that information into
an Excel Worksheet.

General wizard flow:

1 - Start wizard application

2 - Select 1 of 2 options

3 - Select Text files to be concatenated and inserted into Excel

4 - Select Excel Workbook Template.

5 - Concatenate all selected text files.

6 - Instert data from step 5 into workbook template selected in step 4.

7 - Open "Save As..." dialog box

8 - Set wizard application to starting point (goto step 1)

I have a start of the Excel Automation working, and now am at the point to
start pulling out the information from a database, step 4. What I'm looking
for is to fill a ListBox with the names of all the Excel Workbooks in my
database. Then after the end-user selects a workbook, retreive it from the
Access database.

I know this doesn't sound that difficult, and probably isn't. But I'm
having one heck of a time figuring out how to cycle through my dataset and
fill the ListBox. I have a DataGrid on my form; however, I can not seem to
figure out how to only should the "FileName" column.

So I'm looking for any ideas as to where to start to understand Microsoft's
data controls and how to use them. Even if you think you have only a small
pointer to share with me, I'll be more then happy to read it.

Thanks in advance,

Randel Bjorkquist

Randel Bjorkquist

Hey Cor,

I guess I'm going to have to take your advice about posting it in another
newsgroup since you are the only one to say anything. The only reason I was
asking my question in the csharp newsgroup was because I'm writing this
application with C# and the fact that I'm extremely new to the Visual Studio
IDE and to the C# programming language. To me, it really doesn't matter who
helps me understand the database components and how to use them. All I know
is that they don't appear to be as easy to use, as the ones I'm a used to.


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