Database Files Directory


Jeffry Montalvo

Hello everyone,
I have created a database and everything is working fine. I just would like
to access directory contents and displayed then in a form. For example I
have records that I have saved/scan to a particular directory now I would
like to see then on the bottom of the form. Can someone help me with this.

Thanks in advance,

Jeffry Montalvo

Hello allen,
I got your code and tried and I keep getting the error

Method or data member not found

I appreciate if you can tell me what this means, I tried different things
and it does not work.

Thanks in advance,

Allen Browne

Which line generates the error?

Does the code compile (Compile in Debug menu in code window)?

Jeffry Montalvo

It does not compile.
The compilation stops at:

lst.AddItem varItem

Thanks for taking time to help me.

Allen Browne

What version of Access is this?
The code should work in Access 2000 and later.
The article links an alternative for Access 97.

If you do have Access 2000 or later, do you have the RowSourceType set as
show in step 2 for the list box?

Jeffry Montalvo

The version of Access that I have is Access 2000.

The RowSource Type is set as shown in step2 for the list box

by the way if you go to that particular area of the code and you erase it
and type it yourself the lst.AddItem is not one of the options that comes
Am I missing something?

Thanks for taking time to help me.
If you want I can send you the small program that I created and maybe you
can see what I am doing wrong.

Douglas J. Steele

Actually, I didn't think AddItem was added to Access until Access 2002.

Try the Access 97 solution.

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