database edit



I found some code that allows you to make changes to a ms access. It's asp
based but i don't know asp. can some walk me through

<!-- #include file="" -->
' NOTE: Since I'm writing for illustration, I'm doing almost
' no error checking so there are a number of places where this
' script could easily throw errors if you give it invalid input.
' Before you use this anywhere outside of a testing environment
' be sure you add the appropriate error handling and securty.

' Declare some "pseudo-constants". These are really variables
' because when declaring a Const you can't use any functions
' to do it. I use the old Const naming structure so I know that
' after this they don't get changed anywhere.

' Our connection string... you can replace this with whatever
' connection string you want to use.
CONN_STRING = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=;" _
& "Initial Catalog=samples;User Id=samples;Password=password;" _
& "Connect Timeout=15;Network Library=dbmssocn;"

' The name of this file so all the links and forms will still
' work if you rename it.
SCRIPT_NAME = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")

' I use this link a lot so I threw it into a "pseudo-const"
' so I don't have to keep typing it.
BACK_TO_LIST_TEXT = "<p>Click <a href=""" & SCRIPT_NAME & """>" _
& "here</a> to go back to record list.</p>"

' Declare our standard variables.
Dim cnnDBEdit, rstDBEdit ' ADO objects

Dim strSQL ' To hold various SQL Strings
Dim iRecordId ' Used to keep track of the record in play

' Choose what to do by looking at the action parameter
Select Case LCase(Trim(Request.QueryString("action")))
Case "add"
' Select an empty RS
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM scratch WHERE id=0;"

Set rstDBEdit = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rstDBEdit.Open strSQL, CONN_STRING, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic,

' Add our record and set it's values. You could bounce
' into an edit mode here to let people enter the initial
' values, but for simplicity I just add the record with
' some default values.

rstDBEdit.Fields("text_field").Value =
rstDBEdit.Fields("integer_field").Value = CInt(Day(Now()))
rstDBEdit.Fields("date_time_field").Value = Now()


' Get the id of the record just added. This might cause
' problems with some DB providers, but it works with
' the SQL Server our sample runs off.
iRecordId = rstDBEdit.Fields("id").Value

Set rstDBEdit = Nothing

Response.Write("<p>Record Id #" & iRecordId & " added!</p>")

' Here's the more efficient way, but since I want to get
' back the new record's id I'm not using it.
'strSQL = "INSERT INTO scratch " _
' & "(text_field, integer_field, date_time_field) " _
' & "VALUES (" _
' & "'" & CStr(WeekdayName(WeekDay(Date()))) & "', " _
' & CInt(Day(Now())) & ", " _
' & "'" & Now() & "'" _
' & ")"
''Response.Write strSQL
'Set cnnDBEdit = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'cnnDBEdit.Execute strSQL, adAffectAll, adCmdText Or adExecuteNoRecords
'Set cnnDBEdit = Nothing
Case "delete"
' Get the id to delete
iRecordId = Request.QueryString("id")
If IsNumeric(iRecordId) Then
iRecordId = CLng(iRecordId)
iRecordId = 0
End If

strSQL = "DELETE FROM scratch WHERE id=" & iRecordId & ";"

Set cnnDBEdit = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

cnnDBEdit.Execute strSQL, adAffectAll, adExecuteNoRecords

Set cnnDBEdit = Nothing

' We assume all is fine. Notice that we really don't
' check that anything was done... we just assume
' so since no error was thrown. For example... if
' you enter an id that's not really in the DB, the
' script runs fine, but nothing gets deleted.
Response.Write("Record Id #" & iRecordId & " deleted!")
Case "edit"
' First of a 2 part process... build a form with the
' values from the db.
iRecordId = Request.QueryString("id")
If IsNumeric(iRecordId) Then
iRecordId = CLng(iRecordId)
iRecordId = 0
End If

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM scratch WHERE id=" & iRecordId & ";"

Set rstDBEdit = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rstDBEdit.Open strSQL, CONN_STRING, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic,

If Not rstDBEdit.EOF Then
Note: Watch your input... the text field is small and no error
handling is done to check for valid integers or dates. If
an error gets thrown when you submit simply hit back and fix
the offending entry before resubmitting.

<form action="<%= SCRIPT_NAME %>?action=editsave" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<%= rstDBEdit.Fields("id").Value
%>" />

<input type="text" name="text_field" value="<%=
Server.HTMLEncode(rstDBEdit.Fields("text_field").Value) %>" /><br />
<input type="text" name="integer_field" value="<%=
Server.HTMLEncode(rstDBEdit.Fields("integer_field").Value) %>" /><br />
<input type="text" name="date_time_field" value="<%=
Server.HTMLEncode(rstDBEdit.Fields("date_time_field").Value) %>" /><br />

<input type="submit" name="Update Database">
Response.Write "Record not found!"
End If

Set rstDBEdit = Nothing

Case "editsave"
' Part 2 of 2: Here's where we save the values that the
' user entered back to the DB. Again... no error
' handling or input checking so ' characters and invalid
' values will throw error messages.
iRecordId = Request.Form("id")
iRecordId = Replace(iRecordId, "'", "''")

' Date delimiter on this should be changed to # for Access
strSQL = "UPDATE scratch SET " _
& "text_field = '" & CStr(Replace(Request.Form("text_field"), "'", "''"))
& "', " _
& "integer_field = " & CInt(Replace(Request.Form("integer_field"), "'",
"''")) & ", " _
& "date_time_field = '" & CDate(Replace(Request.Form("date_time_field"),
"'", "''")) & "' " _
& "WHERE (id = " & iRecordId & ")"

' If something does throw an error, checking this is
' actually a valid command often helps debug.
'Response.Write strSQL

Set cnnDBEdit = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

cnnDBEdit.Execute strSQL, adAffectAll, adCmdText Or adExecuteNoRecords

Set cnnDBEdit = Nothing

Response.Write("<p>Record Id #" & iRecordId & " updated!</p>")
Case Else ' view
' Our default action... just lists the records in the DB
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM scratch ORDER BY id;"

Set rstDBEdit = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rstDBEdit.Open strSQL, CONN_STRING, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly,
<table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
Do While Not rstDBEdit.EOF
<td><%= rstDBEdit.Fields("id").Value %></td>
<td><%= rstDBEdit.Fields("text_field").Value %></td>
<td><%= rstDBEdit.Fields("integer_field").Value %></td>
<td><%= rstDBEdit.Fields("date_time_field").Value %></td>
<td><a href="<%= SCRIPT_NAME %>?action=delete&id=<%=
rstDBEdit.Fields("id").Value %>">Delete</a></td>
<td><a href="<%= SCRIPT_NAME %>?action=edit&id=<%=
rstDBEdit.Fields("id").Value %>">Edit</a></td>
<td colspan="6" align="right"><a href="<%= SCRIPT_NAME %>?action=add">Add
a new record</a></td>
Set rstDBEdit = Nothing
End Select

' This is the end of the sample!

' Feel free to skip this area. (Ignore the man behind the curtain!)
' To keep things manageable and working for other visitors, I'm
' checking to make sure you don't delete all the records and adding
' some to keep at least 2 records in the DB.

Dim cnnCleanUp, rstCleanUp, iRecordCount

Set cnnCleanUp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cnnCleanUp.Open CONN_STRING

strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM scratch;"

Set rstCleanUp = cnnCleanUp.Execute(strSQL, , adCmdText)
iRecordCount = rstCleanUp.Fields(0).Value
Set rstCleanUp = Nothing

'Response.Write iRecordCount
If iRecordCount <= 2 Then
strSQL = "INSERT INTO scratch " _
& "(text_field, integer_field, date_time_field) " _
& "VALUES (" _
& "'" & CStr(WeekdayName(WeekDay(Date()))) & "', " _
& CInt(Day(Now())) & ", '" & Now() & "')"

' Add 2
cnnCleanUp.Execute strSQL, adAffectAll, adCmdText Or adExecuteNoRecords
cnnCleanUp.Execute strSQL, adAffectAll, adCmdText Or adExecuteNoRecords
End If

Set cnnCleanUp = Nothing

Stefan B Rusynko

You will need to start learning ASP
- don't think anyone is going to give you a course in the forum

Start here


| I found some code that allows you to make changes to a ms access. It's asp
| based but i don't know asp. can some walk me through
| <!-- #include file="" -->
| <%
| ' NOTE: Since I'm writing for illustration, I'm doing almost
| ' no error checking so there are a number of places where this
| ' script could easily throw errors if you give it invalid input.
| ' Before you use this anywhere outside of a testing environment
| ' be sure you add the appropriate error handling and securty.
| ' Declare some "pseudo-constants". These are really variables
| ' because when declaring a Const you can't use any functions
| ' to do it. I use the old Const naming structure so I know that
| ' after this they don't get changed anywhere.
| ' Our connection string... you can replace this with whatever
| ' connection string you want to use.
| CONN_STRING = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=;" _
| & "Initial Catalog=samples;User Id=samples;Password=password;" _
| & "Connect Timeout=15;Network Library=dbmssocn;"
| ' The name of this file so all the links and forms will still
| ' work if you rename it.
| SCRIPT_NAME = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
| ' I use this link a lot so I threw it into a "pseudo-const"
| ' so I don't have to keep typing it.
| BACK_TO_LIST_TEXT = "<p>Click <a href=""" & SCRIPT_NAME & """>" _
| & "here</a> to go back to record list.</p>"
| ' Declare our standard variables.
| Dim cnnDBEdit, rstDBEdit ' ADO objects
| Dim strSQL ' To hold various SQL Strings
| Dim iRecordId ' Used to keep track of the record in play
| ' Choose what to do by looking at the action parameter
| Select Case LCase(Trim(Request.QueryString("action")))
| Case "add"
| ' Select an empty RS
| strSQL = "SELECT * FROM scratch WHERE id=0;"
| Set rstDBEdit = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
| rstDBEdit.Open strSQL, CONN_STRING, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic,
| adCmdText
| ' Add our record and set it's values. You could bounce
| ' into an edit mode here to let people enter the initial
| ' values, but for simplicity I just add the record with
| ' some default values.
| rstDBEdit.AddNew
| rstDBEdit.Fields("text_field").Value =
| CStr(WeekdayName(WeekDay(Date())))
| rstDBEdit.Fields("integer_field").Value = CInt(Day(Now()))
| rstDBEdit.Fields("date_time_field").Value = Now()
| rstDBEdit.Update
| ' Get the id of the record just added. This might cause
| ' problems with some DB providers, but it works with
| ' the SQL Server our sample runs off.
| iRecordId = rstDBEdit.Fields("id").Value
| rstDBEdit.Close
| Set rstDBEdit = Nothing
| Response.Write("<p>Record Id #" & iRecordId & " added!</p>")
| Response.Write(BACK_TO_LIST_TEXT)
| ' Here's the more efficient way, but since I want to get
| ' back the new record's id I'm not using it.
| '
| 'strSQL = "INSERT INTO scratch " _
| ' & "(text_field, integer_field, date_time_field) " _
| ' & "VALUES (" _
| ' & "'" & CStr(WeekdayName(WeekDay(Date()))) & "', " _
| ' & CInt(Day(Now())) & ", " _
| ' & "'" & Now() & "'" _
| ' & ")"
| '
| ''Response.Write strSQL
| '
| 'Set cnnDBEdit = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
| 'cnnDBEdit.Open CONN_STRING
| '
| 'cnnDBEdit.Execute strSQL, adAffectAll, adCmdText Or adExecuteNoRecords
| '
| 'cnnDBEdit.Close
| 'Set cnnDBEdit = Nothing
| Case "delete"
| ' Get the id to delete
| iRecordId = Request.QueryString("id")
| If IsNumeric(iRecordId) Then
| iRecordId = CLng(iRecordId)
| Else
| iRecordId = 0
| End If
| strSQL = "DELETE FROM scratch WHERE id=" & iRecordId & ";"
| Set cnnDBEdit = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
| cnnDBEdit.Open CONN_STRING
| cnnDBEdit.Execute strSQL, adAffectAll, adExecuteNoRecords
| cnnDBEdit.Close
| Set cnnDBEdit = Nothing
| ' We assume all is fine. Notice that we really don't
| ' check that anything was done... we just assume
| ' so since no error was thrown. For example... if
| ' you enter an id that's not really in the DB, the
| ' script runs fine, but nothing gets deleted.
| Response.Write("Record Id #" & iRecordId & " deleted!")
| Response.Write(BACK_TO_LIST_TEXT)
| Case "edit"
| ' First of a 2 part process... build a form with the
| ' values from the db.
| iRecordId = Request.QueryString("id")
| If IsNumeric(iRecordId) Then
| iRecordId = CLng(iRecordId)
| Else
| iRecordId = 0
| End If
| strSQL = "SELECT * FROM scratch WHERE id=" & iRecordId & ";"
| Set rstDBEdit = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
| rstDBEdit.Open strSQL, CONN_STRING, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic,
| adCmdText
| If Not rstDBEdit.EOF Then
| %>
| <p>
| Note: Watch your input... the text field is small and no error
| handling is done to check for valid integers or dates. If
| an error gets thrown when you submit simply hit back and fix
| the offending entry before resubmitting.
| </p>
| <form action="<%= SCRIPT_NAME %>?action=editsave" method="post">
| <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<%= rstDBEdit.Fields("id").Value
| %>" />
| <input type="text" name="text_field" value="<%=
| Server.HTMLEncode(rstDBEdit.Fields("text_field").Value) %>" /><br />
| <input type="text" name="integer_field" value="<%=
| Server.HTMLEncode(rstDBEdit.Fields("integer_field").Value) %>" /><br />
| <input type="text" name="date_time_field" value="<%=
| Server.HTMLEncode(rstDBEdit.Fields("date_time_field").Value) %>" /><br />
| <input type="submit" name="Update Database">
| </form>
| <%
| Else
| Response.Write "Record not found!"
| End If
| rstDBEdit.Close
| Set rstDBEdit = Nothing
| Response.Write(BACK_TO_LIST_TEXT)
| Case "editsave"
| ' Part 2 of 2: Here's where we save the values that the
| ' user entered back to the DB. Again... no error
| ' handling or input checking so ' characters and invalid
| ' values will throw error messages.
| iRecordId = Request.Form("id")
| iRecordId = Replace(iRecordId, "'", "''")
| ' Date delimiter on this should be changed to # for Access
| strSQL = "UPDATE scratch SET " _
| & "text_field = '" & CStr(Replace(Request.Form("text_field"), "'", "''"))
| & "', " _
| & "integer_field = " & CInt(Replace(Request.Form("integer_field"), "'",
| "''")) & ", " _
| & "date_time_field = '" & CDate(Replace(Request.Form("date_time_field"),
| "'", "''")) & "' " _
| & "WHERE (id = " & iRecordId & ")"
| ' If something does throw an error, checking this is
| ' actually a valid command often helps debug.
| 'Response.Write strSQL
| Set cnnDBEdit = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
| cnnDBEdit.Open CONN_STRING
| cnnDBEdit.Execute strSQL, adAffectAll, adCmdText Or adExecuteNoRecords
| cnnDBEdit.Close
| Set cnnDBEdit = Nothing
| Response.Write("<p>Record Id #" & iRecordId & " updated!</p>")
| Response.Write(BACK_TO_LIST_TEXT)
| Case Else ' view
| ' Our default action... just lists the records in the DB
| strSQL = "SELECT * FROM scratch ORDER BY id;"
| Set rstDBEdit = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
| rstDBEdit.Open strSQL, CONN_STRING, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly,
| adCmdText
| %>
| <table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
| <thead>
| <tr>
| <th>id</th>
| <th>text_field</th>
| <th>integer_field</th>
| <th>date_time_field</th>
| <th>Delete</th>
| <th>Edit</th>
| </tr>
| </thead>
| <tbody>
| <%
| Do While Not rstDBEdit.EOF
| %>
| <tr>
| <td><%= rstDBEdit.Fields("id").Value %></td>
| <td><%= rstDBEdit.Fields("text_field").Value %></td>
| <td><%= rstDBEdit.Fields("integer_field").Value %></td>
| <td><%= rstDBEdit.Fields("date_time_field").Value %></td>
| <td><a href="<%= SCRIPT_NAME %>?action=delete&id=<%=
| rstDBEdit.Fields("id").Value %>">Delete</a></td>
| <td><a href="<%= SCRIPT_NAME %>?action=edit&id=<%=
| rstDBEdit.Fields("id").Value %>">Edit</a></td>
| </tr>
| <%
| rstDBEdit.MoveNext
| Loop
| %>
| </tbody>
| <tfoot>
| <tr>
| <td colspan="6" align="right"><a href="<%= SCRIPT_NAME %>?action=add">Add
| a new record</a></td>
| </tr>
| </tfoot>
| </table>
| <%
| rstDBEdit.Close
| Set rstDBEdit = Nothing
| End Select
| %>
| <%
| '********************************
| ' This is the end of the sample!
| '********************************
| ' Feel free to skip this area. (Ignore the man behind the curtain!)
| ' To keep things manageable and working for other visitors, I'm
| ' checking to make sure you don't delete all the records and adding
| ' some to keep at least 2 records in the DB.
| Dim cnnCleanUp, rstCleanUp, iRecordCount
| Set cnnCleanUp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
| cnnCleanUp.Open CONN_STRING
| strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM scratch;"
| Set rstCleanUp = cnnCleanUp.Execute(strSQL, , adCmdText)
| iRecordCount = rstCleanUp.Fields(0).Value
| rstCleanUp.Close
| Set rstCleanUp = Nothing
| 'Response.Write iRecordCount
| If iRecordCount <= 2 Then
| strSQL = "INSERT INTO scratch " _
| & "(text_field, integer_field, date_time_field) " _
| & "VALUES (" _
| & "'" & CStr(WeekdayName(WeekDay(Date()))) & "', " _
| & CInt(Day(Now())) & ", '" & Now() & "')"
| ' Add 2
| cnnCleanUp.Execute strSQL, adAffectAll, adCmdText Or adExecuteNoRecords
| cnnCleanUp.Execute strSQL, adAffectAll, adCmdText Or adExecuteNoRecords
| End If
| cnnCleanUp.Close
| Set cnnCleanUp = Nothing
| %>

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