Database Design question



I am designing a custom database for tracking various pieces of software we
use at my job. Each user has access to different pieces of software and many
pieces of software require a separate username and password for each user.
I'm trying to figure out the easiest/best way to do this. I'm using our and
Employee table with EmployeeID as the PK and the EmployeeID FK in the
Software table. I can either create a Software table that lists a field for
each type of software and a separate username and password for each piece of
software (which I know is poor database design) OR create a many to many
relationship and create another table. The part that's throwing me off is the
password/username part. Each person will have several usernames and passwords
(one un/pw for each piece of software). Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm
using Access 2007.


As far as keeping track of the various user names an passwords, you
could add a third (junction) table that woul handle this. For example;

EmployeeID (Primary Key)
other attributes of the Employee

SoftwareID (PK)
other attributes of the software

tblPasswords (the junction table)
EmployeeID (Foreign Key to tblEmployees)
SoftwareID (FK to tblSoftware)

EmployeeID and SoftwareID woul be a composite PK in the junction
table. Each record in this table would hold the valid user name and
password for any given combination of Employee/Software Item

Jeff Boyce


Is there a chance that you actually have a many-to-many situation (one user,
many software titles::blush:ne software title, many users)? If so, you'll need
three tables to resolve that.

Are you saying that each instance of USER and SOFTWARE might have a
different [UserName] and [Password] associated with it? If so, then the
"third table" (the one that shows valid pairs of USER and SOFTWARE) will
also need [UserName] and [Password].

It sounds like you could have one software title (e.g., Microsoft Word 2007)
but multiple licenses (one per user). If this is your situation, your
"third table" might look something like:

UserID (a foreign key pointing back to the [tblUser])
SoftwareID (a foreign key pointing back to the [tblSoftware])
UniqueUserName (see above)
UniquePassword (see above)
LicenseNumber (see above)
... (any other facts specific to this user having this software
title installed)

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


Thanks, Beetle! That's exactly what I needed. I just needed someone to put it
in simple terms for me.

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