Database created but not receiving data from form


Bill Dross

Greetings...I've read all the references to databases here and have used
them many times successfully using FrontPage2003. I've just migrated to a
new server. Here is my scerenio:

I have created two forms. The first one I used the form feedback page. It
successfully created the database AND successfully receives information when

I created a second form...very simple, just name, address, csz. It
successfully creates the database (when I open the database on the
server...the field names are there), however, during testing nothting is
passed to the database.

I've checked everywhere I can think of and just can't get that second one to
work properly.

Everyone here is so helpful, I look forward to receiving any assistance you
can provide.


Andrew Murray

Shouldn't that be "make sure you have NOT named any fields with reserved
words" ?

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