Database connection


Marcel Hug

Hi NG !
I have the problem, that my access to a MS Access 2000 database does not
work. I allways get the Exception System.InvalidOperationException with
the recommandation to install a MDAC version 2.6 or later....but I have
the newest 2.8 MDAC version installed...I did not find good informations
about this problem....Please help me.

Ignacio Machin \( .NET/ C# MVP \)


IIRC you posted this already.

Is this still with the connection or you have another issue?

Marcel Hug

Ignacio said:

IIRC you posted this already.

Yes you are right, but all my efforts to solve this problems didn't
work. So I hoped somebody else knows other informations and can give me
some impacts.
Do you have no ideas what I can do else ?

Regards and sorry for repeating my questions
Marcel Hug

PS: It is right, that I should use the OleDBConnection for connecting MS
Access DB's and SQLConnection for connecting MS SQL Server ?


Marcel Hug

Marcel Hug schrieb:
It works after installing the MDAC 2.8 SP1 for Windows XP on my Windows
2000 computer. :))))


W.G. Ryan - MVP

Glad it worked, and unless you have a compelling reason to do otherwise, you
want to use the specific providers - in this case, Sqlclient for SqlServer
(and OleDb for access although OleDb isn't a specific provider for Access

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