Data Validation



Here's what I'm attempting to accomplish. I've asked this same question
several times but haven't found the solution yet.

In workbook 1 on worksheet 1 I have a data validation list in cell A1 that
contains school semester terms, i.e., Fall 2004, Spring 2005, Summer 2005.
On the same worksheet, I have another data validation list in cell B1 that
contains courses, i.e., Math, History, Science, Art. I want the user to make
a selection from cell A1 (list) then (if possible) required to make a
selection from cell B1 (list). With the results in both cells A1 and B1, for
example, Fall 2004 Math (Fall 2004 + Math), to point to (activate) a
different worksheet (either in the same workbook, or a separate workbook)
that is already created specifically for Fall 2004 Math. In other words,
there would be a worksheet for each possible combination from cells A1 and B1
(lists). Or I could do tables for the results, all on one worksheet. How
can I achieve this functionality, OR, is there a better solution to this?



I got it to work. The solution was given to me previously from crispbd as

If you just want to navigate to a selected sheet based on the 2 list items,
try this:

Given: Cell A1 has the semester, Cell B1 has the Course

1) Goto View:ToolBars:Control Toolbox
2) From the Toolbox, click the button icon,
3) draw a button on this sheet
4) double click it to go to the VB code,
5) paste this into the button's code:

On Error Resume Next
Sheets(Cells(1,1).value & " " & Cells(1,2).value).Activate

This will activate the sheet which is the combination of the semester
(plus a space) and course: "Fall 04 History" for example, if Fall 04 is
in one list, and History is in the second list.

Thank you crispbd

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