Data Validation list


Mike Fogleman

I have an area for user input on sheet1. This area is 7 rows by 3 columns
(G15:I21). This area is not usually fully populated, but it could be. It
also could be populated vertically or horizontally:
input1 input2 input3
input1 input4

I want to use these values in a DV list on other worksheets. My problem is
getting a clean list of these values with no blanks between them. Also, if
possible, having them sorted would be a great finishing touch for the DV
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Mike F


Put this in Input sheet code module

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("G15:I21")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim L(21), List, nbr
For Each c In Range("G15:I21").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 3)
nbr = nbr + 1: L(nbr) = c.Value
For t = 1 To nbr
For t2 = t To nbr
If L(t2) < L(t) Then x = L(t): L(t) = L(t2): L(t2) = x
For t = 1 To nbr
List = List & L(t) & ","
With Sheets("Sheet2").Range("C2").Validation ' change Sheet2 to yours
output sheet
.Add xlValidateList, Formula1:=List
.InCellDropdown = True
End With
End Sub

"Mike Fogleman" skrev:

T. Valko

Using a non-VBA method is somewhat complicated and will take a few steps.

Is the data text, numeric or both? This is important to know!

You'd have to extract the data into a one dimensional array (single row or

Then you'd have to extract the data from the one dimensional array into
another sorted contiguous array. I guess you'd want it sorted ascending?

Then you'd have to use a named dynamic range as the source for the drop

Still want to use a non-VBA method?

Mike Fogleman

The data is alphanumeric like "tytin001cm9". This format is standard and
only the "cm" is constant. Yes I would like a non-VBA solution. This is not
my form or it would be full of code by now. I also would not have designed a
3x7 matrix for a user input list. This is an official company form for wide
distribution. Macros are forbidden. I have done several projects for them in
the past, so they approached me to put the finishing touch on this form.
This was my last hurdle.

Mike F

T. Valko

The data is alphanumeric like "tytin001cm9".

Ok, alphanumeric = TEXT.

This method is based on *all* user input being TEXT.

Create a 1 dimensional array from your table that's in the range G15:I21.

Enter this formula in K15 and copy down to K35 (21 rows total):


I've also given this range a name:

K15:K35 = Array1

Any empty cells in the user input range G15:I21 will show up as 0 in Array1.

Create a second array from Array1 sorted ascending.

Enter this array formula** in L15 and copy down to L35:


I've also given this range a name:

L15:L35 = Array2

Any empty cells in the user input range G15:I21 will show up as #NUM! errors
in Array2

Set up your data validation list(s). You said you want to use this list on
other sheets so you'll have to give the source a defined name.

Goto Insert>Name>Define
Name: List1
Refers to: =OFFSET(Sheet1!$L$15,,,COUNT(SEARCH("*",array2)))

As the source for the validation list(s) use: =List1

Of course you can hide Array1 and Array2 so no one can see them.

** array formulas need to be entered using the key combination of

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