Data Validation Input message position


rob nobel

A workbook I've created has quite a few Data Validations. By accident I
found out that when the input message is showing, you can use the mouse to
shift it to wherever you want on the sheet. Once that is done, all other
data validation messages will appear in that same spot (which is not always
a bad thing)
The messages will no longer be shown in their default position (next to or
near the active cell that causes the validation input to appear).
Is there a way to restore that default setting?

Debra Dalgleish

AFAIK, once the input message has been moved, you can't reset it to its
original position. You could copy the sheet contents to a new sheet, and
delete the original sheet.

rob nobel

Thanks Debra,
Seems as if this was a real poser as I could not find answers to this
problem which had been asked previously by someone else, (I checked Google)
without reply.
Seems to me though, that that's a bit of a bug and Microsoft should look at
that as it makes a workbook rather vulnerable for the end user. In fact it
was an end user of a workbook I created that stumbled across this. I would
think they should incorporate a feature to lock or prevent the box from
being "tampered" with in future upgrades (if it's not already done as I only
have 97 and 2000 versions).

Debra Dalgleish

You're welcome, and I wish there were a better solution.

The behaviour is the same in Excel 2002 and Excel 2003, so you aren't
missing anything!

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