Data validation based upon another cell's data



Hi all.

I'm not very savvy with excel so bear with me.

I am setting up a spreadsheet that tracks window orders. To make i
easy, let's say we have 2 manufacturers. Each manufacturer has
different set of min/max (for height and width) dimensions for thei
windows depending on the style chosen (DH, slider, casement, etc.)

So let's say I have a drop-down menu in A1 to pick which manufacture
I'm ordering from.

Cell B1 is where I enter the window style (DH, casement, etc from

I would like cell C1 to be where I enter the width of the window and C
to be where I enter the height. Depending on the manufacturer an
window style, I would like to set the parameters of the cell to no
allow dimensions that fall below the minimum or greater than th

I'm stumped. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated


hello joannanpa,

one way, without seeing your layout, you may want to think abou
looking into named ranges. if you name your range(s) of measurement
by the manufacturer, you can use data validation -> List, to get you
in-cell drop-down box, and use a formula lik
"=INDIRECT(-YourNamedRangeHere-)" w/o the quotes ;)

now, you have two ranges, one based on the other

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