"Data type mismatch in criteria expression"



I'm building a small C# application which stores some info into an Access
table; this is the 1st time I'm using Access and the OleDb namespace, as
usually I prefer MSDE (SqlClient namespace), and I'm having this problem:
when inserting or updating a record with 2 text fields and 1 integer field
(the primary key is autonumber) using a stored procedure, I get Data type
mismatch in criteria expression: I have checked the documentation and also
created a collection of parameters using the Visual Studio wizard, and it
seems there is no error in my code; nevertheless, it does not work... Here
is a sample:

a dummy table named TDummy has the fields:
ID = autonumber
first = text (50)
last = text (50)
age = integer

The stored procedure for insertion is:

INSERT INTO TDummy([first], [last], age) VALUES ([?], [?], [?]);

The command:

OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("[...the name of the stored proc...]");
cmd.Connection = ...the connection...;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("first", OleDbType.VarWChar, 50,
cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("last", OleDbType.VarWChar, 50,
cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("sourceID", OleDbType.Integer, 0,

Later I set the three values e.g. cmd.Parameters[0].Value="Donald",
cmd.Parameters[1].Value="Duck", cmd.Parameters[2].Value = 60, and then I
call cmd.ExecuteNonQuery which always rets a data type mismatch. What's
wrong with this code? Thanx!

Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\)

My suggestion is to get away from text and change to varchar or nvarchar.

first varchar(50),
last varchar(50)
age int)

The text(50) is an Access construct, not SQL Server (MSDE = SQL Server
Personal). That should wipe out your problem.

In SQL Server/MSDE, text is a BLOB (Binary Large OBject) field, not a
character (char) or variable character (varchar) field. If you want to load
a text type (not advised), you have to use the SQLBinary type.

Gregory A. Beamer

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