data to documents



I have a database (obviously, if I'm writing here...) and I want to create a
word document from certain records. The form is working, except for certain
fields. I can't figure out why the VBA is allowing certain fields to be
passed but balking at others. I the coding I am having trouble with:

Private Sub Printform_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Printform_Click
Dim wrdApp As Word.Application

Dim doc As String
Dim name As String
Dim Address1 As String
Dim allname As String
Dim Address2 As String
Dim dateobirth As String
Dim boss As String
Dim getin As String
Dim Contact1 As String
Dim locat As String

Set wrdApp = New Word.Application

doc = "N:\Security\Reception\Forms\Contractor Renewal Form.doc"
locat = "N:\Security\Reception\Contractors" & "\" & Me.ID & ".jpg"
Address1 = Me.Address & " " & Me.City
allname = Me.Given1 + " " & Me.Given2
dateobirth = Me.DOB
boss = Me.Employer
getin = Me.ReasonforAccess

MsgBox ("Good so far!!")
-------a debugging flag. This is where I get the problem. the next two
values are not passed.

Lastname = Me.Surname
MsgBox (Lastname)

Contact1 = Me.CentreContact
MsgBox (Contact1)

'name = Me.Surname '+ ", " & Me.Given1 + " " & Me.Given2

'wrdApp.Documents.Open filename:=doc

'ActiveDocument.FormFields("Name").Result = Me.Surname & ", " & Me.Given1 &
" " & Me.Given2
ActiveDocument.FormFields("Address").Result = Address1
ActiveDocument.FormFields("ID").Result = Me.ID
ActiveDocument.FormFields("DOB").Result = Me.DOB
ActiveDocument.FormFields("Employer").Result = Me.Employer
ActiveDocument.FormFields("Reason").Result = Me.ReasonforAccess
'ActiveDocument.FormFields("Contact").Result = Me.CentreContact
Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture filename:=locat

wrdApp.Visible = True

MsgBox ("ready to print")
Set wrdApp = Nothing

End Sub

What I need to know is why some fields are passed and others cause the code
to hang up.?


Ignore this. I found that even though the names of the fields in the database
are correct as entered in the coding, I used very similar names and it runs!?
I figure it might be caused by the "Me." reference; perhaps it is actually
referring to the Userform fields as opposed to the database fields....
Anyway, it works now.

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