Data tier options


John Spiegel

Hi all,

I'm looking at adding some ASP.NET apps to an existing Win2K-hosted website.
The site is hosted by another company on a server shared by others. While
the hosting company is fairly accommodating with configuration, we still
don't have absolute control. I'm looking at MySQL, MSDE and Visual FoxPro
as options for the data store and looking for suggestions/feedback.

The server has MySQL available already, and it's abundantly clear that the
administrator thinks the whole world should run nothing but PHP-MySQL
solutions. However, we have zero experience with MySQL.

As "low-end" as it sounds, MSDE is an option (assuming there isn't something
absolutely preventing it like ASP.NET refusing to use it) as the traffic in
the next year would never reach ten concurrent users and rarely even see
concurrent use at all. I would assume that the SqlClient functions would
still apply.

VFP would well suit our needs as we are very familiar with it and it has the
necessary capacity, but I've heard some conflicting stories on just how
cleanly the OLEDB drivers truly support it.

I realize I'm being kind of vague, but any opinions on these options would
be appreciated.



Elliot M. Rodriguez, MCSD

If concurrent connections is never going to be an option, then I'd go with
the MSDE. Your host would have to permit this installation though, and from
the sound of it, I doubt thats going to happen.

MySQL isnt that scary. There are some good tools for it now, and since its
ANSI-SQL compliant youre not really going to have to learn anything new. If
youre comfortable with a gui, the MySQLControlCenter has an interface
similar to the Enterprise Manager.

Also, why not consider Access? Its more portable (you can stick it on the
server and Access installation on it is not required), and you can always
upgrade later or perform DTS operations to bring copies to SQL Server
locally. Using Access does require a little more work in file protection
(you dont want just any joe spidering your side and DLing the .mdb files
when he finds them).

My 2 cents.

Kevin Spencer

I doubt that you can get your hosting service to install MSDE on their
server for you. All things considered, I would do one of 2 things:

1. Get a good hosting service
2. Use a file-based database, such as VFP or Access

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

John Spiegel

Thanks, both. (I shouldn't really post right before leaving on vacation)

To be honest, I just never really thought about Access, I suppose for no
better reason than I don't have it installed at work--but that's a pretty
poor excuse, huh?

- John

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