Data Summary


Jimmy Joseph

Hello All,

I have the following data table in excel.

Qty Product Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4
10 a1 a x e f
10 a2 a y e g
10 a3 b x e h
20 a4 m p e u
50 a5 n q e i
60 x2 a x e t

The Qty mentioned is common for product,part1,part2,part3,part4 in a row.

Now i would like to have an automated summary in a different sheet as

Part1 Qty Part2 Qty Part3 Qty Part4 Qty
a 80 x 80 e 160 f 10
b 10 y 10 g 10
m 20 p 20 h 10
n 50 q 50 u 20
i 50
t 60

How do I do it?


Jimmy Jospeh

Ardus Petus

In summary sheet, you can get the totals with a formula like:
See example:

To automate the production of parts lists in Summary, you can use
Data>Filter>Advanced filter to take out dupes.


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