Data sort over 200 worksheets - Help please


Dave T

I have a Workbook containing over 200 sheets containing varying numbers of
records put in on a daily basis although not all in date order. Column 'A'
contains the date in dd/mm/yyyy form.

What I am trying to achieve is to carry out a data sort (by date) on every
sheet before saving the file. Very time consuming if this has to be done

Ideally I would like to create a macro to do this, but can anyone suggest
how I can can create a macro that will do this over all of the 200 sheets

Many thanks in anticipation of your most valued help.


Dave Peterson

Watch out for that unqualified range in Key1:=

..Sort key1:=Range("A1")
should be:

..Sort key1:=.Range("A1")

If the user wants to sort by the first column in the sortrng.


Thanks for watching my back! Much appreciated, both by me and probably even
more so by Dave T.

Have no idea how that . got dropped, I'd have sworn I copied right from code

Dave T

Many thanks for your help.

JLatham said:
Thanks for watching my back! Much appreciated, both by me and probably
more so by Dave T.

Have no idea how that . got dropped, I'd have sworn I copied right from

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